Tips on How to Avoid Fake Jobs and Scam Employers
February 11, 2020

In today’s modern era, you can simply seek a job and get hired without going through a long process

– looking for a hiring company, waiting in a long queue to be called for interview, and such things that require you a lot of energy and patience.

Thanks to the technology, getting a job is now clicks away.

Lately, number of people who prefer to work from home rises because they say home is where they are most productive than working in an office. Many companies have been allowing employees to work remotely since then.

Based on a research, as of 2019, the number of companies with remote workforce is escalating

– 66% of companies allow remote work and 16% is fully remote.

There are various job openings posted online

– however, not all job opportunities you see online are legit because others are scam. If you are going to apply for a work-at-home job, make sure that you don’t fall for scam employers.

Image result for scam people

So how do you identify if it is a scam or not?

  1. Before applying, read the description of the job first. A legitimate job description always includes a detailed list of responsibilities and the required skills they are looking for in an employee to know whether you are fit on the role or not. Aside from the job description, the salary details must be included and clearly stated, as well.
  2. If you are promised high pay for not much work, turn down the offer. It’s clear that the ‘employer’ is just trying to bait you.
  3. Don’t get involved with an ’employer’ that can’t make its business perfectly clear to you or one that’s willing to hire you without even a phone interview.
  4. Research the company. An online background-check of a company wouldn’t take so much of your time so try to look for its website or social media and take a look at the reviews to know what other people say about them.
  5. Never ever give out money or your bank account. If you are told you have to pay for training, then it’s clear that the company you are applying for is a scam.

Working from home gives you flexible work schedule and lets you balance work and family. This is why more people are now switching from office-based to home-based.

When applying for work online, just keep away from scams. Don’t let them fool you 🙂

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